A Sermon to remember — July 6, 2008
It was not the typical church service that day —
rumbles of thunder and lightning,
but they seemed far away.
Shirley’s organ prelude with tones ever swelling
(oh how I wish she was playing “The Heavens are Telling”!)
as only moments after David Kent sang
came time for the sermon —
and it began with a BANG!
A bolt of lightning flashed before our eyes
and startled us all —
it was quite a surprise .
Harlan, for a moment, was speechless
but then calmly raised his arms heavenward
and responded: AMEN!
The lights went out, but the sermon went on,
no longer a need to stifle a yawn,
as no one could see you in the darkness and gloom
as we listened to the sermon
that began with a BOOM!
Richard J. Thayer 18 July, 2008
A Sermon to remember — July 6, 2008 — No Comments
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